
Friday, July 01, 2005

Bugs and Dirt

I am back in Bobo .... yay!

I am so happy to be here because two of the guys from my training group are here with me to celebrate the 4th of July, plus a bunch of other volunteers are here because there was a volunteer-to-Burkinabe wedding yesterday they all came to. So I am in for a fun weekend, I hope. This time I am feeling really healthy, so it will be even better than the last time!!

As usual, I am always thinking of good things to write on this blog, and I will start with my transportation in and out of village. From Bobo, there is a car that leaves from a random gas station in the middle of town, and he goes to and from my village every day. There is no transport name, everyone just says "ask for Aziz".. so all I know is that the driver's name is Aziz, he consistently goes in and out of Padema daily, and that's all that is important. The car is like a large van. The front part is for Aziz and can fit up to 2 more people. The back has open sides and can comfortably fit about 12 people on the benches that line the sides. I counted the number of people last time in there with me, and it was 22 adults and 3 children. Plus the floor is usually covered with sacs of rice or millet, so that's where your feet go, and that's also where you fit extra people to sit. On top of the vehicle is where all of our baggage, bikes, motos, and animals get strapped down, and there is at least one guy up there riding along with all the stuff. So inside the cabin, you are nice and close with your neighbors, and the ride is about 2 hours long. We stop to add people to the group, let people off, get gas, get food, or let out the Muslims to face Mecca and pray. When the ride is out of Bobo, it intereferes with one of the five times a day Muslims pray, so Aziz will always stop at that time so they can all get out, place a mat, and do the prayer ritual. Then we can all get back in and head out. The mothers will often breast feed at least once during the ride, too. I would try to find other transport options, but apparently there are none... or as I am told, Aziz is the best one and the one the fonctionnaires (people of higher status) opt for. OK, then... so I took Aziz this morning and was in Bobo by 9:30. We passed 2 guys on bikes who flagged us down for a ride on the way. Aziz actually stopped and looked in the cab where we were all smooshed, scratched his head a little and finally said that there wasn't enough room for 2 more adults and their bikes. I don't know why he thought that, though, because there were still some empty laps...

My 2nd night back in Padema, I was sleeping outside as usual, and in the middle of the night I was woken by the a large group of girls that were laughing and running around about 10 ft from where I was sleeping with large flaming torches. Naturally, I would like to know what the hell they are doing, but really don't feel like undoing my mosquito net tent... so I wait a little, until I am annoyed enough to get up and move everything indoors. But first I went up to all of them and in English I yelled "what the f--- are you doing????" they just said "Bon soir, Madame" and kept running around. The next morning I found out that they were attracting these bugs that come out the nights after it rains so they could trap them and cook them for snacks the next day. The bugs look like maggots with wings and are called Bibi. I have this new 12-yr old friend who comes for tutoring, but also works her butt off cultivating with her family every day. She was explaining the bug thing to me and brought me some fried-in-oil bugs to taste. I politely refused, but have since seen them everywhere! She advised me that when I do try them that I have to pop of the heads before eating and also not eat too many... or else you may have stomach problems... thanks for the advice. I'll try to lay off eating too many bugs.
Awa, the woman I stayed with in Bobo the last time, actually bought some Bibi in the market and also brought them to me to try. Why does everyone want me to eat these damn bugs? OK, so I agreed to try them, and I ate 2. They just tasted like the crap you have on the bottom of a pan after frying something. So after eating all the dirt I can stomach (unintentionally) in Bassi, I have now succesfully eaten dirt and bugs, just like all of you joked!!

There is also this kid, Amed, who comes over every day to do schoolwork with me. He lives with his aunt in Padema, and the aunt had sent a letter with him one day to me, asking me for money to buy food. Now, my 3rd day ever in Padema I had a different lady, who doesn't speak French, come to my house and ask me for money, too. Amed actually did the translation for me saying that I will not give her money, unless she wants to come do my laundry or clean my house or something. Then I will gladly pay for her services. Otherwise, she'd be coming by every day for the next 2 yrs expecting money. But since she has 2 little kids, and the girl I replaced left a lot of food in the house, I gave her some of that food instead to take home. Anyway, I had expressed to Amed how frustrating that is to have people ask for money out of the blue, just because you are perceived by everyone as rich. So when he gives me a note from his aunt asking for money, I was a little peeved. I went the next day to talk to her about it, and find her preparing rice and meat, and she served me an avocado sandwich. Every single one of those items any other villager would kill to eat, but they all grind down the millet they cultivate into a flour to make To (To is what EVERYONE eats here for every meal, every day, because it doesn't cost money - You just have to grow it, grind it, and cook it with water). SO, I was now really peeved at this family because they were eating better than even me and she was actually asking me for money. I said no, and since I had just seen her husband in the market coming home with a bag of fish he had just bought, I think they will be fine.

Meanwhile, my 12 yr old friend is a hard-working, very smart, and very sweet kid. I have been feeding her every time she comes to do schoolwork. It just so happens that she is over when I am preparing breakfast and dinner, so I can't help it. Plus, I like to play favorites, so I don't care if the other family finds out, quite frankly. So Ajeera (the girl) and I have been eating Ramen noodles together the last few days, and she absolutely loves them. Spaghetti is actually considered expensive here (it costs the equivalent of $0.50), so I like watching her eat it up, like it is the best thing ever. Living on a college-kid type diet is really luxurious here. But at least this time, the effort was successful, unlike the failed mac and cheese in Bassi.

I have begun welling my own water, and doing more stuff for myself. Normally, kids come and well water for me, but since everyone is in the fields working all day, no one is ever around, and I decided to buy my own bucket for welling water and do it 2 or 3 times a day myself. Welling water is just dropping your rubber bucket that is attached by a rope down the well... my well is about 40 ft deep.... waiting til you think it has filled, and then hand over hand pulling it up and over the top. Usually it takes 3 or 4 of these to fill the bucket I then have to carry home. At home, I have a large garbage pail-type barrel that stores my water. Every day I probably use about 3 buckets worth of water, between bucket baths, washing dishes, making coffee, cooking, and random hand washing. Definitely much less than in the states. Think about me next time you are running the water while brushing your teeth, you wasteful Americans!!!! :)

I have more to write but I don't feel like sitting here another hour. But if anyone wants to call me, the cell works well in Bobo, and I am going back to Padema probably Tuesday.

I will likely update again before heading back.

Happy 4th of July!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


At July 01, 2005 11:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, begging for money when one has it? Thats greed. Well, my darling, it seems you are quite the gourmet with your bibi... umm, please don't bring any back with you. We already have plenty. :) I'll be sending a package this weekend, with assorted items for your use! Thinking of you always, hoping you are healthy, safe, and happy! Hopefully i'll call soon, but since I only have a cell phone, i'm not sure how it all works. It's been pretty hot here, though the 4th should be nice. Hope you can see some fireworks from there! Love you!!!

At July 01, 2005 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! Calling you this weekend! You're 4 hours ahead of east coast right? Amber is coming to DC for the 4th so we'll call you together.

As always, you put the best details in your blog. Can't get over the water thing and Aziz. Guess I shouldn't bitch about delays on the subway anymore... And you ate bugs! I don't think I would have done it. Props.

Can't wait to talk to you! Love, Emmie

At July 05, 2005 1:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At July 05, 2005 2:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Calling Steph:

I had a lot of trouble finding a calling card at the 7-11/grocery store for Burkina Faso, and we ended up ordering one online. I highly recommend: - just indicate that you want to call a Burkina Faso cell and pick the $0.16/min plan. Great deal.

Hope this helps others!

Emily and Keith

At July 06, 2005 9:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy late 4th doll...

glad to hear your feeling better! and let me tell you morici and i will sure as hell be cracking up over that bug and dirt thing... believe me you! thanks for the laughs :)

miss you a bundle and will talk to you soon...


At March 03, 2010 5:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.

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